Journal Entry 5

- added starting screen so the game doesn't start immidiately after launching
- added music and sounds
- balanced the game according to feedback recieved

I encountered some minor obstacles when adding sound to my game. Beacuse I implemented restarting the game by loading the scene again, the background music restarted, but I wanted it to continue playing. When I called DontDestroyOnLoad on the music controller the music continued playing but also another copy of my music object spawned and started playing music. I solved this by having a static class holding the information whether the game is loading for the first time or not. Also starting/stopping my water shooting sound on mouse click/release sometimes didn't work - the problem was that I was checking for mouse up/down in FixedUpdate method instead of Update method.

I recieved some mixed feedbeck on the difficulty of my game - one of my classmates found it relaxing and easy while other two who played it found it hard. When thinking about their experiences I realised that a reason for that might be that the game itself isn't that hard, it's just unforgiving and therefore frustrating. Two main sources of frustration were big colliders and  and fire spawning on top of the player. I tweaked the colliders to allow for "close calls" and to elimate the feeling of unfair dying when the player "didn't touch" the fire. I also changed the fire implementation so it cannot immidiately hurt the player after spawning so the player has time to run if the fire spawns on top of him.

I also recieved a feedback about the "lore" of my game - my clasmate pointed out that a shark saving his fish "friends" doesn't quite add up. So I changed the tutorial description to include the fact that the shark is vegan :)

Time invested:
- looking for right music and sound effects: 1 hour
- adding music and sound effects: 3 hours
- balancing the game: 1 hour

Files 26 MB
May 20, 2023

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